Medical cannabis can provide you with many health benefits. It can make you feel more relaxed, happy, reduce pain and reduce depression and anxiety levels. There are different ways you can get weed into your system. I would personally recommend vaping, using a vape pen because there is no combustion taking place, as opposed to smoking a blunt, that may contain tar. Once you have setup your vaporiser, it will be effortless to smoke weed on the go.
Steps to smoke medical cannabis in bongs
Step 1: Fill the bong with cold water
It is important that you fill the bong with cold water, since it will cool the smoke so you can inhale more smoke.
Another alternative is to fill it with ice and then you put the water you need. It is essential that you put water in it for the bubbles to be produced.
Notice that the bong is not overflowing with water. It must be below the carburetor.
Step 2: Fill the canister with marijuana
Crumble your grass to put it in the container. It is important that you do not fill it too much so as not to waste it.
Next, place your lips in the mouth of the bong. As we have said, it is best to put them inside. You must make sure that you tape the bong well so that you can inhale correctly.
Step 3: How to catch the bong
Take it with one hand and cover the carburetor. The carburetor is the hole in the side of your bong.
To smoke comfortably, it is best to sit or lean and lean the bong on top of you.
Step 4: Turn on the bong
Light the lighter and burn your grass. At the same time, inhale. You will see how the container fills with white smoke.
Keep inhaling until you notice that there is enough smoke inside the chamber.
Release the carburetor. Inhale the smoke. Expire everything.
Step 5: Hold your breath
Try to hold the smoke in your lungs for about 5 seconds.
The first time you may cough, it is very frequent and normal. But you will get used to it while you inhale.
You already have the steps to enjoy a bong! Now just relax and enjoy your medical cannabis! If you don't like the inconvenience of carrying a bong around you all the time. You can pick up a wax pen from, they have a variety of different styles to suit your needs.
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