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How To Smoke In Bong For The Very First Time

Bongs, also known as water pipes, are often considered to be the pinnacle of a smoker's paraphernalia. They usually have beautiful glass designs with intricate colors and shapes, but they can also be made of acrylic, bamboo, and ceramic. Smoking a bong is different from smoking a pipe or rolling paper because it has a space that can contain a large amount of smoke and can be purchased from the North York Dispensary website. Follow these steps below to learn how to smoke a bong without embarrassment.

1. Fill your bong with water. Pour only what is necessary so that the pipe (or stem) is submerged in the water between 1 and 2.5 centimeters. Water will enter through the upper part of the receptacle, the cylindrical tube that is also used to inhale the smoke.

2. Fill the bowl of your bong with your smokable substance such as indica vs sativa. The bowl is the bowl the size of a spoon that sits on the side of the bong. Most bowls can be removed to function as an escape hole in your bong, and it will be necessary to remove it later during smoking to remove all smoke.

3. Place your mouth on top of the compartment. Your lips should fit inside the rim of the mouthpiece, not be on the outside.

4. Place your finger on the escape hole. Some bongs have an escape hole that is simply holes on the side or the pipe of the bong. If you are smoking with a bong of this type, cover the hole with a finger before lighting the bong.

5. Turn on your substance while inhaling. Hold a lighter or match over the substance in the bowl while you inhale with your mouth with the lips inside the compartment.

6. Suction strongly until the compartment is filled with smoke. At this height, you can give a puff as big or small as you want. If it's the first time you smoke, try filling the compartment with smoke only halfway.

7. Inhale the rest of the smoke

8. Place the bowl in its place (if it can be removed) and pass the bong to the person on your left if you are smoking socially.
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Welcome to my ECIG VAPING blog. I have been a long-term smoker that has switched to vaping for more than three years and still going strong. I have been vaping for a long time and worked in many vaping retail stores. I have built up knowledge and real life experiences with vaping products that I share on my website as a passion. So don’t miss out, follow and like my Facebook page for instant updates about vaping.
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